Glimmer of Hope

Romans 12:12

12 Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.

Tis the season to be jolly.

jol·ly1/ˈjälē/Learn to pronounceadjective

It is the time of year again where the hustle & bustle of the holiday season is upon us. Presents to wrap. Family to visit. Long distance friends to call. Houses to decorate in anticipation of fun and fellowship. A season of joy and parties. A moment in time to share gifts and holiday cheer with those around you.

This is our first Christmas together as husband and wife. It should be a time of joy and wedded bliss. It should be a time of decorating and tree trimming. It SHOULD be a time of preparing to have guests over for dinners and socializing. However, we find ourselves still in the midst of an unfinished home. I wanted so badly to decorate the house. I desired to entertain some family and friends. I had hoped to bake cookies and make Christmas dinner. So many hopes and dreams.

As we were having breakfast this morning we discussed our disappointment in the house being unfinished. We chose to choose joy. We have decided to live in the moment. We are going to make the most of our time together. We can’t dwell on the “what it should be” dreams, we need to be focused on what is right in front of us.

As I was cleaning out my car today I was rummaging around in the garage and discovered a string of lights which were lit. I don’t know how they happened to be on. They were from our wedding. Surely the batteries should have been dead yet here they were. A glimmer of hope. A light in the darkness of the season we are in. A hope for what is coming next. So I took a deep breathe and smiled as I whispered, “Thank You God for leaving a light for me to see today.”

Tomorrow is Christmas.

We won’t be gathered around our decorated tree. We won’t be serving Christmas dinner at our new solid oak table. However, we will be with family. We will have each other and that’s what really matters. Time with the kids. Time to just be in the moment of Christmas.

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